Benny Pedersen
Special News:
(1) I wrote a Homepage for the local church:
(2) Kristeligt Dagblad er fuld af løgn, siger Benny Pedersen, som for få dage siden overvejede et KD-abonnement (Klik ind på KOVAs website og vælg "Nyt/Presse" for at læse om urene KDs tackling.)
(3) Internetafstemningen. Kristeligt Dagblad åbenbarede sig ved at kopiere et medie cirkus. Klovnene hentede deres inspiration i de populære sex sites, hvor popups bondefangede enhver uden åndelig bistand, som passerede forbi Hjemmesiden. Iøvrigt blev det ellers så stabile antal stemmer i løbet af konkurrencens sidste nat på ca. 1½ time forøget fra ca. 19 til 30 % på IMs Hjemmeside (den der vandt).
(4) Jf. KDs e-mail til undertegnede, blev KOVAs Website disket pga. 3 formuleringer på TeenPowersiden. Feks. den af andre benyttede og dermed ulovlige formulering ang.: send en e-mail til præsten. ???

 My freeware Homepage. [Math included] 

 The previous/old menu:  See the sunrise 

 DOS/Batch. The main reason for this site! 

 Tips & Tricks. (Registry: most on page 2) 

 Recovery Tools, Problems and Drivers... 



















Hello world!

AHA! So you are not impressed by the scrolled text
and you had also very often seen a cat!



 This is my mail box. 

OOPS! I forgot to mow the lawn.




The Stoneages production of the previous Browsers:

Below is some HTML code/text written by Microsoft,
(as you can see: the URL text is green). A Browser
from Netscape didn't allow you to read it. But the
Browser Opera 5, allowed you to read the following
text but HAHA it didn't work. If those people back
in the stoneage invented the computer/Internet and
if they did the same as us, then we would probably
say that they were idiots! The fact is that, since
ONLY the Browser from Microsoft (IE.5) was able to
understand the HTML, then we can say that those in
the stoneage who got access to the Internet didn't
got any alternatives. Moreover, if we lived in the
stoneage, then it was possible to visit a Homepage
with POP-UP windows, i.e.: select ONE page to read
but other pages that was NOT choosen could appear.
I'm glad that I didn't lived back in the stoneage!


University of Information Technology, Warsav  (Poland)

The University of Rome.  (Italy)
Follow the link:  www / mirrors,  (Denmark)
