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![]() |
A program to search the WEB. You can't download this program but I think that you are a programmer who is much clever than those at "Mickey soft"! So, just make your own program. Use it or create a gift to your friends. Just say:
![]() | :: 1. Mouse! Move to the beginning of this line and click the left button. :: 2. Mouse! Move over the following lines. :: 3. Mouse: (tell your master that she can now release your left button). :: :: 4. Mouse! Click the right button and select COPY. :: :: 5. Mouse! Please open Notepad. (Click Start, Run and write Notepad) OK. :: :: 6. Mouse! Click the right button, select INSERT. :: :: 7. Mouse! Click on FILES (menu in the upper left corner). Click on SAVE :: 8. You may now write the following: GO.BAT :: 9. Mouse! Look down in the "save menu" and goto select: All files (*.*) :: SAVE. :: 10. Close Notepad: Just hold the ALT key and press the F4 key. FINISHED! |
@echo off set TERMS=%1 :Loop if (%2) == () goto Ready set TERMS=%TERMS%+%2 shift goto Loop :Ready START http://www.google.com/search?q=%TERMS%&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=&safe=off set TERMS= | |
:: Usage: GO word1 word2 and so on... :: Example: GO interesting DOS Laura :: Note: No words are necessary/required. :: :: * End of GO.BAT * A program to search the WEB * Written by YOUR NAME HERE :: * Additional information about GO.BAT by Gary L. Smith (Columbus, Ohio) * :: * If your new freeware program wont work, then you may try the following: :: * Move the file to "C:\Windows\Command\GO.BAT" or follow the above links. :: If you are able to copy and paste, then you can try this/another example. |
* No math please! Jump to next paragraph.
(Graph+ is updated February 18, 2001) | ||
Draw your math. Download Graph+ ![]() |
After an introduction (successful formulas to figure out Pi and things
like that, I almost got a headache). I did that years ago.
At that time I wanted to publish my math but I didn't (I got a computer to play
with and so on...) The picture on the left shows one of my better math discoveries (I think?). You can put as many different formulas as you wish, together in just one formula and you can also decide where the next formula takes over, etc... Yesterday I was searching for a program to draw graphs and I was lucky to find the Graph+ freeware program. But frankly speaking I don't have much education about English and mathematics, etc. |
Here's an example of how to create a "X isn't 3" statement: | |||
Texas Ti-68 (my old calculator) -2-1 * (sig(-abs(x-3))-1) |
Computer (DOS) if not %X%==3 batch |
Graph+ |3-x|^(1/999) Copy & paste. Zoom in: (x,y)=(3,1) |
Note: the above |3-x|^(1/999), abs(3-x)(1/99999) is better but you'll miss the point.
Definition of sig(x)
x < 0 x = 0 x > 0 sig(x) -1 1 1
<a style="cursor:hand; text-decoration:underLine; color:#E0E0C0" onClick="JavaScript: alert('\t' + +true + '\n\t' + +false)// Space: + +true, NOT ++true"> Click here for value of TRUE and FALSE in JScript</a>Click here for value of TRUE and FALSE in JScript
<a style="cursor:hand; text-decoration:underLine; color:#E0E0C0" onClick="VBS: msgBox vbTab & --true & vbCr & vbTab & --false,, 'True and False.'"> Click here for value of TRUE and FALSE in VBScript</a>Click here for value of TRUE and FALSE in VBScript
Definition of n, z and p
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ----|--|--|--|--|---------->x a b a < bif x=x1, then both a and b are greater than x
h(x) = (sig(b-x) -sig(a-x)) / 2 h(x) = 0 | x <= a or x > b h(x) = 1 | a < x <= bI would be surprised if my formula wasn't true for any value of x.
f1(x) + fn(x) n-1 fi+1(x) - fi(x) F(X) = ------------- + SUM --------------- sig(x-bi) 2 i=1 2 fi(x) | --------- f4(x) | b3 <= x | ----- f3(x) | b2 <= x < b3 | -------- f2(x) | b1 <= x < b2 --|------ f1(x) | b1 > x _|____________________________x | b1 b2 b3I told my friends that it's possible to draw a graph of a formula.
Raise abs(n) to the k'th power: |n|^(1/99999) | ||||
01 | x = a | (1/2 +sig(-abs(a-x))/2) ~
(1 -(|a-x|^k)) | ||
02 | x not a | (1/2 -sig(-abs(a-x))/2) ~
(|a-x|^k) | ||
03 | x < a | (1/2 -sig(x-a)/2) ~
((((a-x)^k)+(|a-x|^k))/2) | ||
04 | x <= a | (1/2 +sig(a-x)/2) ~
((((a-x)^k)-(|a-x|^k)+2)/2) | ||
05 | x >= a | (1/2 +sig(x-a)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)-(|a-x|^k)+2)/2) | ||
06 | x > a | (1/2 -sig(a-x)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)+(|a-x|^k))/2) | ||
07 | a <= x < b | (sig(x-a)/2 -sig(x-b)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)-(|a-x|^k)+((b-x)^k)+(|b-x|^k))/2) | ||
08 | a < x <= b | (-sig(a-x)/2 +sig(b-x)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)+(|a-x|^k)+((b-x)^k)-(|b-x|^k))/2) | ||
09 | a <= x<= b | (sig(x-a)/2 +sig(b-x)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)-(|a-x|^k)+((b-x)^k)-(|b-x|^k)+2)/2) | ||
10 | a < x < b | (-sig(a-x)/2 -sig(x-b)/2) ~
((-((a-x)^k)+(|a-x|^k)+((b-x)^k)+(|b-x|^k)-2)/2) |
Formula: n F(x) = SUM 1/2 fi(x) ( -((bi-1-x)k) +((bi-x)k) ) | b0 < x < bn i=1 Example: (n=3) f1(x) = -1/PI x2 +2x +7 | 2 < x <= 7.006978 | b0 = 2 f2(x) = 1/3 x +3.05 | 7.006978 <= x<= 8 | b1 = 7.006978 f3(x) = sin(x2) +4.8 | 8 <= x < 12.00001 | b2 = 8 b3 = 12.00001 | |
F(x) | 2 < x < 12.00001 | ![]() |
Graph+, copy and paste: The following FAILS with Netscape, which don't understand HTML! Note: (don't miss the point) You don't see three formulas but ONLY one formula! |
![]() |
Homemade polygon formula | (n > 2) Example n = 3 |
Radians: Polygon_around = n d sin(Pi/n) Polygon_area = Polygon_around 1/4 d cos(Pi/n) = 1/8 n d^2 sin(2 Pi/n) Degrees: Polygon_around = n d sin(180/n) Polygon_area = Polygon_around 1/4 d cos(180/n) = 1/8 n d^2 sin(360/n) |
0 +1 +2 +3 +n +3 +2 +1 +0 = n^2 so therefore: 1 +2 +3 +n = ((n +1)^2 -(n +1))/2 = (n^2 +n)/2End here at Dec 11, 2000,
A comparison of the newest MP3 players on the Internet, and
about checking out some great download sites.
Related Links
Some program descriptions are courtesy of Completely FREE Software and are used with their permission.
the Absolutely Virus FREEware siteunder construction
the Absolutely Virus FREEware site under construction
the Absolutely Virus FREEware site underconstruction
You can download an updated (not language sensitive) version of this program. It's written in DOS/Batch and it's
@echo off echo. 1 Temporary Internet Files echo. 2 Temporary Files echo. 3 Cookies echo. 4 choice /n/c1234 if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 Explorer "%windir%\Temporary Internet Files" if errorlevel 2 if not errorlevel 3 Explorer %temp% if errorlevel 3 if not errorlevel 4 Explorer %windir%\Cookies cls
@echo off mode 80,25 %[ Columns: 40, or 80 -- Lines: 25, 43, or 50. ]% for %%? in (c: cd) do %%? \Programmer\DX-Ball if not exist Backup\nul md Backup :0 Menu[ (ÿ) is char of ASCII value 255 ] prompt ÿ %+% for %%? in (cls echo.) do %%? echo. %prompt% 1: Play DX-Ball. echo. %prompt% 2: echo. %prompt% 3: Backup High Score. echo. %prompt% 4: Restore... echo. %prompt% 5: echo. %prompt% 6: Backup before using the DX-Ball Editor. echo. %prompt% 7: Restore previous. (Bad levels created). echo. %prompt% 8: echo. %prompt% 9: End prompt $p$g echo. choice/n/c123456789%[ Escape is char of ASCII value 27 (1B HEX) ]% for %%e in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EOF:) do if errorLevel %%e goTo:%%e :1 Play Dxball.exe %[ http://www.magicwandsoft.com/games/dxball/ ]% goTo 9 End :2 The sound of DX-Ball for %%f in (Thudclap Bang) do %windir%\sndrec32 %%f.wav :: Ao-laser Bassdrum Boing Byeball Effect Effect2 Fanfare Glass :: Gunfire Humm Orchblas Orchestr Padexplo Peow! Ricochet Saucer :: Sweepdow Swordswi Tank Voltage Whine Wowpulse Xploshor Xplosht1 goTo:EOF :3 Backup High Score copy /-y Highscor.pcx Backup\. if not exist Backup\00.pcx copy Highscor.pcx Backup\00.* goTo 9 End :4 Restore High Score copy /-y Backup\Highscor.pcx goTo 9 End :5 :8 explorer Backup goTo:EOF :6 Backup[ If u want 2use DX-Ball Level Editor (main screen Ctrl+F1) ] copy /-y Default.bds Backup\. if not exist Backup\00.bds copy Default.bds Backup\00.* goTo 9 End :7 Restore Game[ If created bad level(s) in the DX-Ball Level Editor ] copy /-y Backup\Default.bds :9 End if not errorlevel 9 goTo 0 Menu :: for %%? in (echo. pause) do %%? : EOF cls :: Benny Pedersen, :: http://users.cybercity.dk/~bse26236/batutil/help/INDEX.HTMYou can read more about how to make your own programs on my DOS pages.
Download >65MB: Sun StarOffice -- Win 9x. A spreadsheet program.
Sun StarOffice 5.2 is on the CD from Alt om DATA - August 2000.
Matrix 346kB. A free spreadsheet program for MS-DOS mode. It can run on small computers. Mouse control, pull-down menus & printer support. Full source code in C++ & Asm.
[e-mail] |
Written in Danish: Advanced Win98 tips og tricks. DOS under Windows, Registry, Troubleshooting, etc...
Top | 2DOS |
Programs that I found useful:
Pfe32 - Text Editor ver. 7.02. (PFEsetup.gif)
(I wrote almost ALL my HTML and other files using Pfe32)
Mihov Image Resizer (converts format of picture. JPG to GIF, and other...)
ClipName - Get PATH of a filename.
Download sites Webzip
Ro (28 KB) Tutorials. Convert ROMAN NUMBERS
Picture Viewer ACDSee32 or ACDSee16
Registry Editor RegEditX Extensions
Search the Web Copernic 2001
Xenu - Find broken links on web sites
Diskdata (30 days evaluate) - Pie chart. Quickly analyzing file and folder disk space
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