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     Mouse in Batch. Quick Overview.
     Back Space to remove stuff in the FRONT of a string.
     CTTY -- John Savage
     Six nested FOR LOOPs isn't a problem.
     Address book.
     A new and much faster EXIT PROMPT technique were found.
                            -- Go into and back from the TEMP environment.
     Time.bat -- Something to study.
     Extract.bat -- Extracting system files for Win9X.
     Input and Redirection


Technique. Using reversed order of %1 and %2.
Constructed under Win98:

  IF (%1)==() %0 0045 0083
  ECHO (%1) (%2)
  IF NOT (%3)==(!!!!) FOR %%0 in (" ") do %0 %%%2 %1 !%3
  ECHO :-)


  Mike Jones code in use, are waiting for a mouse click.
  (Under full screen DOS, the mouse cursor would be on).

ECHO e100 B8 1 0'3'DB CD'3'B0 3'C'CD'3'B DB't'FA 91 D3 EA D3 E8 91 C3>ax.dat
FOR %%! in (.g116 .q) do ECHO%%!>> ax.dat
DEBUG < ax.dat | FIND "X" >>       ax.bat

  Could be used as above, (or in ONLY one line as shown in line no f).

  Notis: Tested under Win98.  ----- Three lines maybe unwrapped: -----
  Line no 4: (209 char long)  %COMSPEC%....bat$gNUL$_CALL ~>Digits.bat
  Line no f: (121 char long)  %comspec%....8$_q|debug|find "X">>ax.bat
  Line no m: (195 char long)  FOR %%! CALL %0 goto:w %2 %3 %%!

  Quick Overview:
1...4   Create Digits.BAT: BATch file to add hex numbers.
56                         Clear, and fill up the screen.
789a                       Echoing a ruler: TOP and LEFT.
df      Label named Mouse: Mike's code is waiting for the mouse click.
efg     Where was clicked: AX.BAT to get two numbers, (4 digits each).
hi                         Remove the prefixed zeros, (2 digits each).
kl                         Displaying that position in the 25'th line.
mnopw   Formula in 3 lines calculating/converting the location, (to be
        used, if one would echoing something where the mouse clicked).
q       Echoing something where the mouse liked to click, (color = F).
r...v   IF clicked in the upper left corner: Won't repeat Mouse, Exit.

Troubleshooting with a double colon in front of line f and use f'0...f'z:

::% f% %comspec%....8$_q|debug|find "X">>ax.bat

% f'0% :: ------- Mouse imitation, troubleshooting -------
% f'1% if %COL%!==! set COL=47 %[set whatever in 00...4F]%
% f'2% if %LIN%!==! set LIN=18 %[set whatever in 00...18]%
% f'3% echo AX=blah BX=blah  CX=00%COL% DX=00%LIN%>>ax.bat
% f'4% call digits= 2,  COL=add 00%COL% 0001
% f'5% if %COL%==50 set COL=00
% f'6% if %COL%==00 call digits=2 LIN=add 00%LIN% 0001
% f'z% if %LIN%==19 set LIN=00

% g% AX

  Benny Pedersen,
     Toggles between full screen DOS and a window:
     Hold the left ALT key and press the Enter key
     (not the Enter key on the numb keyboard but the one to the left).

@%1 echo off
% 2% FOR %%! in (%temp%.\ CD) do %%! %temp%.
% 3% ECHO:,EXIT[>~

% 4% %COMSPEC%<~/kPROMPT ECHO h%%4 %%5$g~.bat$_ECHO q$g$g~.bat
$_debug$L~.bat$g$g~.bat$_%COMSPEC%$L~/kPROMPT f1%%1LC D A 1A 9
$$_m11DL4 1%%1$$_eC'SET %%2='$$_rcx$$_E$$_wC$$_q$bdebug ~.bat$
gNUL$_CALL ~>Digits.bat

% 5% MODE Co80
% 6% %comspec%<~/kprompt fB800:0LFA0 A'x'$_q|debug>nul
% 7% SET pos= fB800:0 9E
% 8% %comspec%<~/kprompt%pos%'0{1p2p3p4p5p6p7p8p9pApBpCpDpEpFp'$_q|debug>nul
% 9% FOR %%! in (. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do ECHO %%!
% a% FOR %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) do ECHO 1%%!
% b% :: Waiting for a mouse who need a click. YES! My English is better now.
% c% :: Yesterday I would said: Press or Hit any mouse to continue...
: d  Mouse
% e% echo.IF NOT %%1!==! %0 goto:h %%7 %%5>ax.bat

% f% %comspec%<~/kprompt e100 B8 1 0'3'DB CD'3'B0 3'C'CD'3'B DB
't'FA 91 D3 EA D3 E8 91 C3$_g116$_q|debug|find "X">>ax.bat

% g% AX
: h  Remove two prefixed zeros from each parameter:
% i% IF NOT %4'==!!!!' FOR %%0 in (" ") do %0 goto:h %%%3 %2 !%4
% j% :: Echoing the position in the 25'th line:
% k% %COMSPEC%<~/kPROMPT eb800:F07'%2/'$_eb800:F06'%2$h/'$_q|debug>nul
% l% %COMSPEC%<~/kPROMPT eb800:F0D'%3/'$_eb800:F0C'%3$h/'$_q|debug>nul

% m% FOR %%! in (18 78 17 73 16 6E 15 69 14 64 13 5F 12 5A 11 55 10 5
0 0F 4B 0E 46 0D 41 0C 3C 0B 37 0A 32 09 2D 08 28 07 23 06 1E 05 19 0
4 14 03 0F 02 0A 01 05 00 00) do CALL %0 goto:w %2 %3 %%!

: n  Formula including the above line and the 2 below, ((%2)50 +%3)2h.
% o% CALL Digits= 3, pos =add 0%20 00%3
% p% CALL Digits= 3, pos =add 0%pos% 0%pos%
% q% %COMSPEC%<~/kPROMPT eb800:%pos%'#'F$_q|debug>nul
% r% IF NOT %2%3==0000 GOTO d Mouse
% s% DEL %temp%.\ax.?at
% t% DEL %temp%.\~.*
% u% DEL %temp%.\Digits.bat
% v% FOR %%! in (SET CLS EXIT) do %%! pos=
: w  Sub
% x% IF %pos%!==next! %0 goto:n %4 %3
% y% IF %2!==%4! SET pos=next
: z  EOF

::   Quick Overview.

Back Space

Please substitute any # characters below with
a Back Space Character instead.

  @%1 echo off
  SET X=01
  FOR %%0 in (# = Back Space, ASCII 8.) do %0 goto:Y %%%X%
  FOR %%%% in (-#, Minus and Back Space) do %0 goto:Z %%%2
  echo. Result: (%2)
  goto EOF

The Back Space character is not only handy for
removing ending stuff (%variable%$h$h syntax) but
can also be used for removing leading characters
from a parameter.

The above batch demo shows how to remove the zero in %X%.

Not (01) but only (1) would be displayed.

Since John Savage has used such, then it isn't new stuff.
(John Savage is one who are able to neste 3 FOR loops and
like to find alternative ExitPrompt syntax, etc.).
The new thing is, that an extra file isn't needed.
If X=85, then (85) and NOT %85 would be displayed.
I.e.: the second FOR loop is solving that problem.

If %X% is not 01 but 85, then another problem (%85) could
be solved by using an extra file but writing to disk isn't fast.
First the leading zero in 01 is substituted with a Back Space
character, (to write such in the DOS EDITor:
Press Ctrl P followed by ALT 8, (num keys)), then the
Back Space is prefixed with a minus to be eated
by the Back Space and the result would be (1).
If X=85, then the first FOR command ofcause
would prefix the 85 with percent (%85). The second FOR command
is then used to substituting the percent in %85 with:
Minus and Back Space, so, the problem were solved.

Benny Pedersen,
The following may also be used but with other results:
Scripting purposes in a FOR Loop:
  FOR %%%% in ('',two single quotes) do %0 goto:Z %%%2
Substituting the next character, (if = 1):
  FOR %%1 in (#,Back Space) do %0 goto:Z %%%2
  echo. (some space here) %2.


Here's an old file from November 19, 2001.
Today is December 3, 2001, so if I rewrite
it today, then it would NOT be the same as
written! but anyway, here:

GOTO (%1)


  This demo batch uses an old discovery by Laura.
  If using the CTTY thing in a sub routine executed
  with %COMSPEC%/c, then the "Open Files Problem"
  would be solved.

Benny Pedersen,
  BTW. Notis that the "Invalid Device Error Message"
  (in any OS language), is solved by using a file
  with "CTTY >>" instead of "CTTY >",

:() -----------------------------------------------------------------
  :: Create a file named ~ (with CR but without LF)
  FOR %%! in (%temp%.\ CD) do %%! %temp%.
  ECHO EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT n~$_e0'EXIT['d$_rcx$_6$_w0$_q|debug>NUL
  :: ----------------------------------------------------------------
  %COMSPEC%/k PROMPT $_   That's it :-)  $_$_$_$_ <~
  %COMSPEC%/c%0 Sub,
  FIND /v "EXIT[" <~ | FIND " " >~
  PAUSE Want to recall, then use either "GOTO ()" or "%0" here.

:(Sub) ---Lines with ECHO. got a space character after the dot:
  ECHO.   Hello!
  FOR %%! in (1 2 3 4 5) do ECHO.   %%!
  %COMSPEC%/k PROMPT $_   _____________$_  $b             $b$_<~
  %COMSPEC%/k PROMPT $_  $b  It works.  $b$_  $b_____________$b$_<~
  ECHO.   All is done, EXIT...
  ECHO.   PS. :-)

Are SIX Nested FOR LOOPs a problem? NO it isn't!

   @echo off
   for %%1 in (1) do command/cfor %%2 in (2) do command/cfor,%%%%%%%%3,in,(3
,),do,command/cfor %%%%%%%%4 in (4) do command/cfor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5 in (5)
 do command/cfor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6 in (6) do echo: (%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6)

:: It is ofcause obviours that the next one, i.e. the
:: 7'th FOR loop is getting 32 percent char (if the same pattern existing) ?


I have comma delimited the 3'th loop, which may be useful in case that
you want to redirect with CTTY>file along with a filter as FIND " "/v.

December 12, 2001:
John Savage wrote: Uh huh. Is it April already??

  No, it would also works in both May and June...
  @GOTO kangaroo bat

  9 FOR loops wouldn't be a problem but since the line would be
  to long, (only one or two elements in each loop), then I have
  only nested 8 FOR loops as shown below.

  BTW. The ~ file would contains 1908 lines (before filter) and
  384 lines in the file for output, (it would take some time!).

:Kangaroo bat
:: Goes TEMP (includes another TEMP Drive Specification than current:)
  if not (%temp%) == () for %%f in (%temp%.\ cd) do %%f %temp%.

:: No prompting:
  prompt $

:: Create a file into the TEMP environment:
  rem > ~

command/cfor,%%8,in,(p,q),do,echo.%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8>>~

:: Prompting something else and displaying the result:
  prompt $p$g
  find " " <%temp%.\~ |find "."/v> ~
  for %%f in (type rem:del) do %%f ~

Benny Pedersen,
   PS. For information about the CTTY Open-Files-Problem, see
       Extented loops (if a line get's to long), can be
       created with only some few extra lines of batch:

To be found in the %temp% dir and must be named ~MY.BAT
Two lines, (line no 4 and 11) must be unwrapped.

   @echo off
   if !%0==!%temp%.\~MY:,goto:down
   if !%1==! for %%! in (goto:begin ctty) do %%! nul
   for %%t in (a b) do %comspec%/cfor %%u in (z y) do %comspec%/cfor %%%%%%%
%v in (! #) do %comspec%/c%temp%.\~MY: %1 %%t %%u %%v
   if not %1!==! %comspec%/c%temp%.\~MY %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
   for %%! in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do shift
   if !==!%1 goto eof
   for %%! in (%comspec% goto:u) do %%!/c%temp%.\~MY %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
   call %temp%.\~MY.BAT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K
   call %temp%.\~MY.BAT L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k
   for %%! in (goto:eof ctty) do %%! con
   echo. %1 %2 %3 %4>con


:: Transforming 07-?? into ??
:: for example: 07-38 into 38

SET X=07-38
ECHO -----(%X%)-----

FOR %%0 in (%%) do SET X=%%%X%
FOR %%7 in (%%) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%- in (%%) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%0 in (0) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%1 in (1) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%2 in (2) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%3 in (3) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%4 in (4) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%5 in (5) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%6 in (6) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%7 in (7) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%8 in (8) do SET X=%X%
FOR %%9 in (9) do SET X=%X%

ECHO -----(%X%)-----

Benny Pedersen,
PS. I think that this new method above can be used in also
DOS 6. The new method (I just found it today), is inspired
of some previours and older stuff which can be found here:

Debug stuff isn't used. So, it maybe possible to go further
than this. Hmmm, the following line won't write anything to
the memory and won't write anything to a disk either, i.e.:
only the redirection with >> and pipes (|) are writing, so,
the "D" command in debug bears comparison with
the "DIR" command in a directory. For example:

ECHO EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT db800:0 L10$_q|debug|sort/r>>%temp%.\B800.bat

I'm sure that the above "dir" command into debug maybe accepted by
those who havn't any enthusiasm for writing binary files or
using the RAM for such things. A DIR command would be harmless
and I'm sure that someone in the Batch News Group would be able to
confirm the comparison I just did about the "D" with the "DIR" command.

ECHO 08-12-01 (December 8, 2001)
ECHO IF NOT %%1!==! GOTO !>                              %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT db800:0 L10$_q|debug|sort/r>>%temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO :!>>                                                %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%0 in (%%%%) do SET X=%%%%%%8>>              %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%7 in (%%%%) do SET X=%%X%%>>                %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%- in (%%%%) do SET X=%%X%%>>                %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%0 in (0) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%1 in (1) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%2 in (2) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%3 in (3) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%4 in (4) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%5 in (5) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%6 in (6) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%7 in (7) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%8 in (8) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%9 in (9) do SET X=%%X%%>>                   %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%! in (%%1 %%3 %%5 %%7) do ECHO %%%%!>>      %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%! in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do SHIFT>>         %temp%.\B800.bat
ECHO FOR %%%%! in (%%X%% %%1 %%3 %%5 %%7) do ECHO %%%%!>>%temp%.\B800.bat
FOR %%! in (CAL rem:DE) do %%!L %temp%.\B800.bat

If you take a look at %temp%.\B800.bat, then you would see
another discovery by me. It's about the filename followed by a colon.

OOPS. Sorry, this was a long PS.
BTW. Back Slash characters can still be useful when one would writing
to the CON:
  ECHO EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT Hello!!!$h$h$_
::ECHO EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT db800:A0L10$_q|debug|sort/r
::                    dump ---^

BTW. Extra information (not interesting),
:: Removes repeated elements without using any debug stuff:
SET D=08122001
FOR %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) do SET P%%!=.
::Try erase the dot at the end of the above line.
FOR %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 ) do CALL %0 GOTO:! %%!
FOR %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) do SET P%%!=
FOR %%! in (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) do IF NOT ERRORLEVEL }%%! SET P0=%%!
IF NOT %P0%!==0! %COMSPEC%/cECHO. Found %2 on position P%P0% (was %%P%P0%%%)
IF     %P0%!==0!            ECHO.                %2 was not found
%COMSPEC%/cIF %2==%%P%P0%%% ECHO.                %2 repeated on P%P0%
SET P%P0%=%2
ECHO %P1%%P2%%P3%%P4%%P5%%P6%%P7%%P8%%P9%%P10%

If you have problems with the above Errorlevel: }%%!, then
you can substitute the "}" with the number "one" as below:

  ECHO %2'|CHOICE/C'''''''''%D%>NUL
  FOR %%! in (...snip... IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1%%! SET P0=%%!

or if you want to use the short Choice line without a "}",
then you can use "77" instead of "1":

  FOR %%! in (...snip... IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 77%%!  ...snip.

It would still be BennyLevels but with a number instead of
a character.
The computer magazine which described this technique named
Bennylevel, wrote that the person who invented this method
were the first Danish person in a computer world which got
something named. Anyhow funny because: No one from Denmark
knows anything about where or who I am or what I am doing.

Benny Pedersen,


Below are some additional information (different solutions to be evaluated:)

  SET X=%%07-38
  FOR %%0 in (%%) do SET X=%X%
  FOR %%7 in (%%) do SET X=%X%
  FOR %%- in ($Q) do SET X=%X%

CHOICE/c12345 What Solution
FOR %%! in (2 3 4 5) do IF errorlevel %%! GOTO %%!
  %COMSPEC%<~.bat/kPROMPT SET X%X%$_>>~.bat
  GOTO Result
  %COMSPEC%/cFOR %%! in (PROMPT ::) do %%! SET X%X%$_>~.bat
  GOTO Result
  %COMSPEC%/cFOR %%! in (1 2) do PROMPT SET X%X%$_|find "=">~.bat
  GOTO Result
  GOTO Result
  CALL ~.bat
  ECHO (X) = (%X%)

Address book

  Input text and Enter without using debug.
  Press Enter after each input (3 lines of input).

  If you want to input 4 lines instead of 3, then you can modify and write
  FC /n/Lb4 NUL CON. (don't use: FC /n/Lb2 CON CON in this batch example:)

  @echo off
  goto -%1-
:-- input
  FOR %%1 in (-- Name: Address: Country:) do ECHO.    %%1
  FOR %%v in (%temp%.\ CD) do %%v %temp%.
  REM >                                         %temp%.\1~.bat
  FOR %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do echo.>>   %temp%.\1~.bat
  FC /n/Lb3 NUL CON | find ": "            >>   %temp%.\1~.bat
  echo:if 1:==%%1 %0 Output Name... %%2 %%3 %%4>%temp%.\11.bat
  echo:if 2:==%%1 %0 Output Address %%2 %%3 %%4>%temp%.\12.bat
  echo:if 3:==%%1 %0 Output Country %%2 %%3 %%4>%temp%.\13.bat
  FC /n NUL %temp%.\1~.bat | find "   11:   " >>%temp%.\11.bat
  FC /n NUL %temp%.\1~.bat | find "   12:   " >>%temp%.\12.bat
  FC /n NUL %temp%.\1~.bat | find "   13:   " >>%temp%.\13.bat
  FOR %%1 in (1 2 3 ) do CALL %temp%.\1%%1.bat
  FOR %%1 in (echo echo:Continue choice cls) do %%1: --
  FOR %%1 in (1 2 3 ~) do DEL %temp%.\1%%1.bat
  DEL /p %temp%.\AddressBook.txt
  ECHO: %2: %3 %4 %5
  ECHO: %2: %3 %4 %5>> %temp%.\AddressBook.txt

: Related links: FC/n/Lb1...

New EXIT PROMPT technique

This batch code is useful when you want into the TEMP environment:

 %COMSPEC%<%temp%.\goback.bat/kPROMPT $N:$_CD $P$_>>%temp%.\goback.bat
 FOR %%v in (%temp%.\ CD) do %%v %temp%.
 FOR %%c in (CAL DE) do %%cL %temp%.\goback.bat

The new EXIT PROMPT technique were found in an interesting discussion,
December 29, 2001 in the Batch News Group, "Subject: Generate a 10,000
line file really quickly?". Someone said that it would be difficult to
measure the run time but after several experiments, then I can now say
that the new method as shown above, is twice as fast than my previours
discovery. The previours "EXIT PROMPT" technique is one line less than
the new technique but one pipe (|) were used for redirection.


  Something to study.
  The following batching is based on a previours discovery, transforming.
  Please unwrap line no seven.

  @%1 ECHO off
  ECHO.:exit|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT %0 goto:x $t$_>%temp%.\~.bat
  FOR %%f in (CALL DEL GOTO:eof) do %%f       %temp%.\~.bat
  IF (%x%)==() SET x=%%%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9
  ECHO %x%'|CHOICE/s/c'()'''-.'0123456789:''''''ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\
  FOR %%e in (. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : a p) do If errorlevel 1%%e SET e=%%e
  FOR %%%e% in (%%) do SET x= %x%
  :: FOR %%"/" in (%%) do SET x=%x%
  ECHO. %e% & %x%
  FOR %%e in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do IF %%e==%e% SET ee=%ee% %e%
  If not %%==%x% goto x
  FOR %%v in (x e ee) do SET %%v=

  :: ECHO %x%'|CHOICE/c'''''''.'0123456789:''''''A''''''''''''''P>NUL
  :: FOR %%e in (. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :) do If errorlevel 1%%e SET e=%%e
  :: FOR %%e in (a p                    ) do If errorlevel a%%e SET e=%%e

  :: SET i=0
  :: FOR %%e in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do IF %%e==%e% SET e%i%=%e%
  :: IF %i%==2 SET i=3
  :: IF %i%==1 SET i=2
  :: IF %i%==0 SET i=1

  For different languages of the time format, see:$d$t

The "CHOICE/c;something; %0" Technique:

  @%1 ECHO off
  ECHO.:exit|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT SET T=$_%0 goto:1 $t$_> %temp%.\~.bat
  ECHO.;|CHOICE/c;%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9; %0 goto:2> %temp%.\~.bat
  FOR %%n in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do IF %%n==%1 SET T=%T%%1
  IF not %2==]? GOTO 2
  ECHO. time is %T%
  SET T=
  DEL %temp%.\~.bat

PS. Try put SET X=%T% before the FOR loop and
IF not %X%%1==%T% SET T=%T%-
after it.


Additional notes can be found here:

  Input example: goodtime.avi

  The modifications which I have added today, allows the user to press
  the combination [Ctrl-Break] keys while "Extract.EXE" is running but
  without interruption of the batch.
  I.E.: I used "%COMSPEC%/c%0 %1 %5 %3 %4 %%f" instead of "CALL" along
  with some few and minor additions.

  The updated batch should now allows the user to be executing it from
  a drive which media is write protected, (the attribute +R were set.)

:: Extract.bat for Win9X. Tested CDROM: Win95, Win98(1) and Win98(SE).
:: Hmmm -- A little problem about the PATH specification still remains
:: at line No. 10, ...(AUX %0 %0.bat) do IF... and may soon be solved.
:: A folder named c:\_extract maybe created & used for any extraction.
:: The Extract.bat file should be 4.096 bytes and exact 88 lines long:
@ ECHO off
  %1 %2 FOR %%c in (CTTY" "NUL C:FIND.EXE CTTY" "CON) do %%c
        IF errorlevel 2 GOTO C
        FOR %%c in (CTTY" "NUL C:FIND.EXE CTTY" "CON) do %%c
  IF not errorlevel 2 FOR %%c in ("PATH %P%" "SET P=" GOTO:eof) do %%c
  SET P=
%2 FOR %%F in (AUX %0 %0.bat) do IF exist %%F SET D=%%F
%2 %D% goto:c ::
IF not %F%) == C:ATTRIB.EXE) FOR %%c in (SET:F SET:D GOTO:eof) do %%c=
       %F% %D%|C:FIND.EXE "R " >NUL
IF not A:\COMMAND.COM==%COMSPEC% IF errorlevel 1 %0 goto:-) - "%PATH%"
       COPY %D% %temp%.\~~.bat >NUL
       @        %temp%.\~~.bat goto :-) "%PATH%"
ECHO.-- Input filename of a file to be extracted from the Win Cabinet,
ECHO e102'SET F='>                %temp%.\~.tmp
FOR %%c in (w q) do ECHO %%c>>    %temp%.\~.tmp
FC.EXE/n/Lb1 NUL CON|FIND.EXE "1">%temp%.\~.bat
DEBUG.EXE %temp%.\~.bat      >NUL<%temp%.\~.tmp
ERASE     %temp%.\~.tmp
FOR %%F in (CAL DE) do %%FL       %temp%.\~.bat
ECHO.-- Hold [Shift] and put your Win9X source (CDROM) into the drive.
CHOICE/n/cabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -- Press drive letter of source: 
IF errorlevel 27 FOR %%c in (SET:F SET:D CLS GOTO:eof) do %%c=
FOR %%D in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M) do IF errorlevel H%%D SET D=%%D
FOR %%D in (n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do IF errorlevel x%%D SET D=%%D
      ECHO %F%|FIND.EXE ",">NUL
      IF not errorlevel 1 %0 goto EasterEgg extract %D% %3 %F%
IF exist %D%:\win95\*.cab %0 goto ready %D% 95 extract  %3 %2
IF exist %D%:\win98\*.cab %0 goto ready %D% 98 extract  %3 %2
ECHO.-- Not found %D%:\Win9?\*.CAB-- Try again or press [Esc] to quit:
GOTO input
FOR %%c in (%3: CD) do %%c \win%4
%5.exe|FIND.EXE "/">NUL
IF errorlevel 1 ECHO.-- Not found %5.exe
IF errorlevel 1 FOR %%c in (  SET:F SET:D PAUSE CLS GOTO:EOF.) do %%c=
IF not exist c:\_%5\nul       MD c:\_%5
IF not exist c:\_%5\win%4\nul MD c:\_%5\win%4
IF :-)==%7 ECHO.-- You should delete "%0" when the extraction is done.
IF :-)==%7 IF not exist "%COMSPEC%" ECHO.-- Give me COMSPEC: %COMSPEC%
IF :-)==%7 PAUSE,
FOR %%F in (%F%) do %COMSPEC%/c%0 %1 %5 %3 %4 %%F %6
FOR %%c in (CLS SET" F" SET" D") do %%c=
IF     exist %windir%.\explorer.exe %windir%.\explorer.exe C:\_extract
IF not exist %windir%.\explorer.exe DIR /a-D/O/S /b/p      C:\_extract
FOR %%F in (IF GOTO:EOF.) do %%F exist %temp%.\esf2 ERASE %temp%.\esf2
     ECHO.-- %2ing "%5" of %3:\win%4\*.CAB to C:\_%2\win%4\%5
                    %2.exe    /L c:\_%2\win%4 MINI.CAB     %5
                    %2.exe /A /L c:\_%2\win%4 PRECOPY1.CAB %5
IF cdrom95==cdrom%4 %2.exe /A /L c:\_%2\win%4 WIN%4_02.CAB %5
IF cdrom95==cdrom%4 goto:!
                    %2.exe    /L c:\_%2\win%4 CATALOG3.CAB %5
                    %2.exe    /L c:\_%2\win%4 CHL99.CAB    %5
                    %2.exe /A /L c:\_%2\win%4 BASE4.CAB    %5
:! Other CAB files in Win98 are included with the above BASE.
IF exist C:\_%2\win%4\%5 GOTO eof
ECHO.-- The file do not exist in any cabinet: %3:\win%4\*.CAB
IF %2==EasterEgg FOR %%c in (ET:F ET:D HIFT) do S%%c=
IF %1==EasterEgg IF not exist C:\_%2\nul MKDIR C:\_%2
IF %1==EasterEgg PATH %4
  C:CHOICE -- Do you want me to search "%5" on the entire drive %3: --
  IF errorlevel 2 FOR %%c in (CLS GOTO) do %%c eof
  ECHO.-- Wait several seconds...
  FOR %%c in (BREAK:ON DIR" %3:\%5/"s BREAK:OFF) do %%c>> C:\_%2\!.txt
  C:FIND.EXE "//"/v/n< C:\_%2\!.txt | C:FIND.EXE "[8]" > NUL
  IF not errorlevel 1 ECHO.-- YES! -- I found it. You can later read a
  IF not errorlevel 1 ECHO.   location in the file "C:\_extract\!.txt"
  IF errorlevel 1 ECHO.-- Hmmm, the filename: "%5" seems not to exist.
  IF errorlevel 1 DEL C:\_%2\!.txt
  FOR %%c in (ECHO PAUSE CLS) do %%c.
IF %1==EasterEgg IF not (%windir%) == () %windir%.\explorer.exe C:\_%2
IF %1==EasterEgg IF     (%windir%) == () DIR/a-d/o/w/p          C:\_%2
:EOF by Benny Pedersen -- -- January 15, 2002

:: Extra notes:
::       Notis that if you have booted from a CDROM, then your A drive
::       will becomes drive B, if so, then you can execute Extract.BAT
::       on the floppy as B:EXTRACT and hit [Enter] at the DOS Prompt.

:: If you got the above version: (January 15, 2002), THEN IGNORE THIS:
:: Booted from a floppy and want to say A:EXTRACT from the DOS Prompt.
::       If your %COMSPEC% was A:\COMMAND.COM and A:\EXTRACT.BAT exist
::       on another floppy then be sure that the "A:\EXTRACT.BAT" file
::       is write protected. -- COMSPEC: In order to let the following
::       line work: FOR %%F in (%F%) do %COMSPEC%/c%0 %1 %5 %3 %4 %%F,
::       substitute the floppy disk (contents A:\EXTRACT.BAT) with the
::       boot disk, (when you see the prompting by A:\Extract.bat --).
::       Also remember something like this:
::       You can later delete the C:\~~.bat (if TEMP was set as C:\ ).
:: About line no 51:
::       The comma, which is added after the PAUSE as this:
::       IF :-)==%7 PAUSE,
::       can't be removed without an error (happens when %7 is blank).
::       What I try to say is that you should not remove one byte from
::       a file which is tested. If your copy isn't EXACT 4.096 bytes,
::       then you have just performed a bad copy of it.

Input and Redirection

@ECHO off
%1 %2 %0 CALL :: "in (F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) do" CON PRN %temp%.\~
%1 ECHO.-- Input two digits (hex),
%1 CHOICE/n/c.0123456789.......abcdef >NUL
%2 CHOICE/n/c.0123456789.......abcdef %8
%7 FOR %%e "%3" IF errorlevel }%%e %0 :: %1 %3 %4 %5 %6 %1 %8%%e %8%%e %8%%e

CHOICE/t2,99/c123 -- Choose a device, 1:%4, 2:%5 or the FILE 3: %6 --
FOR %%e in (2 3) do IF errorlevel %%e SHIFT
   echo. Redirection
   echo. of %8 (the selective hex value of the ASCII value of the character)
   echo. to %4
ECHO.:EXIT|%COMSPEC%/kPROMPT n%4$_rcx$_6$_e0'%8 (' %8')   '$_w0$_q|debug>NUL
   echo., successfully executed.

Notis: If one would say 02 but said 2 (forgot the zero), then 2 followed by
a dot (2.) would be accepted as a valid input.

Benny Pedersen,
PS. You can (but isn't needed)
remove the above line no 2 to line no 1 and prefix with @ (see the 0C to PRN
solutions found in the Batch News Group along with that subject as heading).
(Line no 2 would be 77 characters long, which is ONE to much at my website).
@%1 %2 %0 CALL :: "in... snipped...


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