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Cannot use MS-DOS Editor if MS-DOS QBasic is not present To use MS-DOS Editor, you must have the QBASIC.EXE file in the current   directory, or in the same directory as the EDIT.COM file in your search path. If you delete QBASIC.EXE to save space on your hard disk, you cannot use MS-DOS Editor. Running consecutive Basic programs You can run consecutive Basic programs from a batch file by using the Basic SYSTEM statement and the QBASIC command with the /RUN switch. A SYSTEM statement quits QBASIC and returns control to MS-DOS after a Basic program has run, instead of returning to QBasic. This allows you to run more than one Basic program from a batch file without having to intervene. Display of shortcut keys Some monitors may not support the display of shortcut keys by default. If your monitor does not display shortcut keys, use the /B switch (for CGA monitors) and the /NOHI switch (for systems that do not support bold characters).
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