Index (BL) Special table | ASCII table

Special characters

Won't work (ASCII values of problem characters) SET;==SET= (Perform a test on a special syntax) Super-loop (not finished (and not for newbies)) Delimiters (nested variables) "DJ.BATch" (Ctrl P G) Characters (ASCII and cursors positions counts) ASCII.bat, (ASCII value = %h% (hex), %d% (dec)) Characters that won't work with: ERRORLEVEL: Numbers which are greater than 99999999 PS. Level 0 is equivalent to level 99999744 and 4400000257 is equivalent to level 1 BennyLevel, ASCII values 0 9 10 13 32 44 59 60 61 62 124 CHOICE, ASCII values 0 3 9 10 13 16 19 26 32 37 47 58 60 62 124 10 (0A hex) is okay but problems exist with most editors. File Names, Win9x. ASCII values, Long Names: Range 0;31 and 34 42 47 58 60 62 63 92 124 Short: Range 0;32 and 34 42 43 44 47 58 59 60 61 62 63 91 92 93 124 " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] | Editors MS-DOS Edit. This editor shows (not converts) a single TAB (ASCII 9) as spaces. Looks as space: ASCII values: 0, 32 and 255. Notepad shows the following characters as a single space: ASCII values: 0, 32 and 160. Some values (ASCII 1 and other characters), can't be written [Alt+num]: Use [Ctrl+P] [Alt+num]. ASCII 0: Can't be written with [Alt+0] or [Ctrl+P] [Alt+0]: Use [Ctrl+@]. ASCII 9: Can't be written with [Ctrl+I] or [Alt+9]: Use [Ctrl+P] [Ctrl+I] or [Ctrl+P] [Alt+9]. Hyper text markup language Problems exist about ASCII value: 0. Characters, which looks like a space: 32 160 173. a rectangle: 1;8 11;12 14;31 127 129 141 143;144 157. An example of HTML <PRE> format, source code & Browser output:





[       ]

About the SET command and how to perform a test on a special syntax "SET;Variable=something" would be the same as "SET Variable=something" (see the space between the SET and the Variable). The first example above, would be something like this: SET Chr=; SET%Chr%Variable=something Anyhow, just because a semicolon maybe between the SET and the Variable doesn't mean that any character can be set to a variable named Chr. The characters that can be used, range [001;255], [01;FF hex], are: Dec: 09 10 32 44 58 59 61 Hex: 09 0A 20 2C 3A 3B 3D Chr: TAB LF , : ; = Notes: I tested this on Win98 and DOS 6.22 successful except the colon (3A) which can't be used on old DOS. How did I figured out of that? The following batch file produces all the hex numbers between and including 07 until 0C (see line 5 below:) 05 SET D=::|%COMSPEC%/E:2048/C%0 07 0C ## :: : Number of "#" must match number of digits on both the 'items', 7 and C. Between the below two lines is the program which used the numbers to make a file named ~.tmp 22 IF ::==%D% GOTO EOF ----------------------------- 34 IF %2==%6 EXIT. --------------------------------- The ~.tmp file contents the hex number without CR-LF, which goes to a file named ~.txt. If the "SET t=!" is possible with a character such as a semicolon between T and t, then !=%t% must be true. @echo off %[Line number 15 maybe WRAPPED]% if ::==%4 goto p ::set temp=d: rem> %temp%.\~.txt set d=::|%comspec%/e:2048/c%0 07 0C ## :: set d= find "~00"/v <%temp%.\~.txt |find ".."/n/v>%temp%.\~.tmp echo A successful execution of successive ASCII values:> %temp%.\~.txt copy /a %temp%.\~.txt +%temp%.\~.tmp %temp%.\~.txt > nul copy /a %temp%.\~.txt con > nul ::Maybe "Notepad %temp%.\~.txt" or Edit /h %temp%.\~.txt for %%v in (del pause cls GOTO:EOF) do %%v %temp%.\~.tmp :p if %3==%5 goto x [the below line were wrapped:] for %%x in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F ) do call %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5# %6%%x goto eof :x if %1==%6 set d= if '=='%d% echo. %6 if not %d%'==' echo. %6 Not used if not %d%'==' echo.~%6~Not used..>>%temp%.\~.txt if ::==%d% goto eof -------------------------------- set t=> %temp%.\~.tmp for %%v in (~%6 rcx 3 w q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~.tmp type %temp%.\~.tmp | debug.exe %temp%.\~.tmp >nul type %temp%.\~.tmp>> %temp%.\~.txt echo @prompt e0'set'%6't=!'d a$_rcx$_9$_w0$_q>%temp%.\~.bat %comspec% /e:992/c%temp%.\~.bat | debug %temp%.\~.bat > nul for %%v in ( call del ) do %%v %temp%.\~.bat ::if !==%t% copy /b %temp%.\~.txt+%temp%.\~.tmp %temp%.\~.txt>nul if !==%t% echo. >>%temp%.\~.txt if not !!==%t%! echo.~..>> %temp%.\~.txt set t= if %2==%6 exit. ------------------------------------ :EOF If you remove the line: if not %d%'==' echo.~%6~Not used..>>%temp%.\~.txt along with all lines between ... eof ------------ and the line ... exit --------------------------- then you'll get the first module, which I used to make any number. Lines with a left margin are add or modified. The program can easily be changed to perform a test on another syntax, @prompt e0 etc.

Well, I never finished this one, hmmm.
 The number of running through was 65025 so, I wanted to develop a loop,
 which should be very much faster. The number of loops / running through
 was for each number in the range of 7 through 22. I also calculated the
 heighest frequency to 18 and an average of 17 (16.8). I executed my new
 Super-loop and I used all the numbers in the range of 1 throughout 255.
 PS. OOPS. February 2, 2001 6:52 am (Forgot to sleep so, see you later).

 @  %[ For Example: Set L=134918 ]%  SET L= ø~~~~
 FC NUL NUL >NUL %[Restores the ERRORLEVEL parameter. Exit code: zero.]%
    SET B=
    SET E=63
    SET N=64
   :SETERLEV.COM  Requires DOS V2.0 or greater! ((c) 1990 by Jim Elliot)
    STRINGS N= DIV %N%, 2
 ECHO.      You may use ERRORLEVEL:  %L%  (equivalent = %B%)

 I will in the future, create more examples about how to
 create batch, (instead of just creating programs). This
 doesn't means that I will delete my Homepage, but since
 programmers makes their own programs, then I think this
 is more useful than uploading my own/new constructions.

@echo off
    set %[Delimiter D=ASCII 032]% D= % %
    echo Please input a number. Press [Esc] to continue:

    choice /c0123456789/n > nul
    if not errorlevel 2 for %%v in (cls echo goto:end) do %%v.
    for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel }%%v set i=%%v
    for %%v in (cls echo) do %%v.%n%%i%

    set N=%N%%I%
    set M=%I%%M%
    set W=%N%%D%%W%
    set Q=%I%%D%%Q%
    set B=%B%%I%%D%
    set V0=%V0%%N%%D%
    set V1=%V1%%D%%N%
    set V2=%V2%%D%%N%%D%
    set V3=%D%%V3%%N%%D%
    set V4=%D%%V4%%D%%N%
    set V5=%D%%V5%%D%%N%%D%
    goto input

    Let's say the input was: 123

    (1 12 123 )          V0: Delimiter at END of each element.
    ( 1 12 123)          V1: Delimiter in FRONT of each element.
    ( 1  12  123 )       V2: Delimitation BOTH, i.e.:
                                 (delimiter; element; delimiter),...

    (   1 12 123 )       V3: As V0 but included an OFFSET of delimiters,
                                           which equals number of elements.
    (    1 12 123)       V4: As V1 but included an... (see above).

    (    1  12  123 )    V5: As V2 but... (see V3).

    echo. Specified number in reverce order: (%M%)
    echo.                  Digits:           (%B%)
    echo.                  Reverce (digits): (%Q%)
    echo.                  Reverce(history): (%W%)
    echo.                  History:          (%V0%)
    echo.                                    (%V1%)
    echo.                                    (%V2%)
    echo.                                    (%V3%)
    echo.                                    (%V4%)
    echo.                                    (%V5%)
    echo.                  Specified number: (%N%)
    for %%v in (echo. pause cls) do %%v
    for %%v in (B Q V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 W N I D) do set %%v=
    goto EOF

    Notes about delimiters
    Depending on the program and your solution, the variable V2: (see above)
    would probably be used in a case as ECHO ( 210  121  212 ) | FIND " 21 "

    An ASCII 255. It seems that the elements are NOT connected but they are.

    An ASCII 7 as delimiter. If the data are present to the console, then it
    seems that the elements are connected together as one data element. This
    is true for DOS but an ASCII 7 chr would actually distinct each element.

    An ASCII 32 [SPACE], simply distinct each element in the specified list.

    choice /c:123 Now: Please choose a delimiter (D) % %
    if errorlevel 1 set %[Delimiter D=ASCII 032]% D= % %
    if errorlevel 2 set %[Delimiter D=ASCII 255]% D=ÿ% %
    if errorlevel 3 set %[Delimiter D=ASCII 007]% D=% %
    :: The following (DJ.BAT) uses an ASCII 59 character

Goto DJ.BATch
     Outsider, (MSDOS.BATCH) wrote: Do you have a list of the keys
     (including [Alt] + [NbrPad] that won't work with CHOICE? Have
     you, or anyone, found a way for [Enter] to work (not Alt+11)?

     I don't have such a list but if I create a list, then I would
     upload it to this page; Done. The ASCII values that I sent in
     my previours e-mail was used about the command COPY CON file.
     Therefore, the ASCII value 27 were included in the following:

     Except ASCII value 9 (TAB), the following characters was also
     a problem, i.e.: when I created the stuff, shown on the page:
     0 3 6 8 10 13 16 19 26 27 and 32 but also ASCII values of 60,
     62 and 124, and perhaps ASCII value 160 and other characters?

BTW. Your, [Alt + 13] on the num keyboard: It's the same as Ctrl +
     hmmm? I simply forgot this second character but the following
     batch program can very faaast, tell about which key to press:

     :: Example. The character of ASCII value seven makes a sound:
        ECHO Hello "Now: Hold [Ctrl], press [P], press [G]" World!
     :: And you can now exit your MS-DOS Editor and see the World!
     :: with sound included. --b.pedersen,

:DJ BAT from Benny to Outsider. January 12, 2001. DOS6.22 + Win98: 
@Find "__WRAP__" %0 >Nul
@If not errorlevel 1 For %%v in (Edit rem:or:Notepad Cls Goto:EOF) do %%v %0

@echo off
  if not %1'==' goto: Local^Call

  echo Input an ASCII Code, two digits (dec). Range(00;31):
  choice /n /c'''0123 >nul
  for %%d in (0 1 2 3) do if errorlevel J%%d %[+4. 74 = ASCII(J)]% set j=%%d
  :: J. Read +4, thereby: range FOR in (4;7).

  if errorlevel 000J3 choice /n /c'''''''01 %j%
  if not errorlevel 7 choice /n /c'''''''0123456789 %j%
  for %%J in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel d%%J %[+8]% set j=%j%%%J
  :: Status: we got a number j, range(00;31).

  call %0 00;@ 01;A 02;B 03;C 04;D 05;E 06;F 07;G 08;H 09;I 10;J 11;K 12;L 1
__WRAP__3;M 14;N 15;O 16;P 17;Q 18;R 19;S 20;T *
  if not %j%'==' %0 21;U 22;V 23;W 24;X 25;Y 26;Z 27;[ 28;\ 29;] 30;^ 31;_ *
  goto EOF

  if not %j%==%1 if not %1==* for %%v in (shift shift goto:Local^Ca.) do %%v
  if %1==%j% echo. ^%2  Alt + Num Keys(%1) = Hold Ctrl, press P and press %2
  if %1==%j% set j=

  :: Note: If you are not using an OS as DOS 6.22, (or below DOS 6.22), then
  :: you should substitute the last line/following syntax: if %1==%j% set j=
  :: with the commands: if %1==%j% for %%v in (set:j echo pause cls) do %%v=

  :: OOPS: 76 characters is a limit for each line on my Homepage! Therefore,
  ::       the previous "calling line" got a WRAP (it's broken) so, you have
  ::       to unwrap this into 116 characters (instead of 76+40 characters).

  The following batch program wrote a text file with ALL
  characters, (ASCII values 0 and 255 are included!). To
  see an ASCII value: see the cursors positions counter.

  @SET F=%0
  @ECHO %0? | FIND /I ".BAT?" > NUL
  @FIND "E 0280 20 42 65 6E 6E 79 20 50 65 64 65 72 73 65 6E 2C" < %F% > NUL
  IF ERRORLEVEL 1 FOR %%@ IN (ECHO.Fileÿnotÿfound:[%F%] GOTO:Written) DO %%@
  GOTO Written @
  E 0100 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7C 7C 20 20 7C 0D 0A 31
  E 0110 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 20 20
  E 0120 54 6F 20 73 65 65 20 61 6E 20 41 53 43 49 49 20
  E 0130 76 61 6C 75 65 2C 20 75 73 65 20 74 68 65 20 63
  E 0140 75 72 73 6F 72 20 70 6F 73 69 74 69 6F 6E 3A 0D
  E 0150 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7C 7C 20 20 7C 0D 0A
  E 0160 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 7C 7C 0B 0C 7C 0E 0F 10
  E 0170 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20
  E 0180 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30
  E 0190 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40
  E 01A0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50
  E 01B0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60
  E 01C0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70
  E 01D0 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80
  E 01E0 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90
  E 01F0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0
  E 0200 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0
  E 0210 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0
  E 0220 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF D0
  E 0230 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0
  E 0240 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0
  E 0250 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF 0D
  E 0260 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7C 7C 20 20 7C 0D 0A
  E 0270 20 20 30 3A 2D 28 00 29 7C 7C 20 20 7C 20 20 20
  E 0280 20 42 65 6E 6E 79 20 50 65 64 65 72 73 65 6E 2C
  E 0290 20 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 32 64 6F 73 2E 68 6F 6D
  E 02A0 65 70 61 67 65 2E 64 6B 2F 20 7E 7E 7E 7E 7E 40
  E 02B0 0D 0A 20 20 39 3A 2D 2D 2D 28 09 29 20 20 0D 0A
  E 02C0 20 31 30 3A 2D 2D 2D 2D 28 0A 29 20 0D 0A 20 31
  E 02D0 33 3A 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 28 0D 29 0D 0A 0D 0A
  :Written are all characters (ASCII 64 (@) is included)
  @SET F=

  Here's another version:
  I found some of the code in an old book :-)

  @echo off
  if exist %0.bat %0.bat @
  find /v "@" < %0 | debug > nul
  goto eof @
  MOV AH,8
  INT 10
  MOV AX,0600
  MOV DX,1849
  INT 10
  MOV CX,1
  MOV AH,02
  INT 10
  INT 10
  ADD DL,2
  CMP DL,40
  JNZ 12F
  JNZ 0117
  @ Next line is blank:

  :eof @

: Returns the ASCII value of a character in both hex and decimal values.
: Construction by Benny Pedersen, May 9, 2001.

  @set char=A
  @echo off > %temp%.\~.bat
  rem       > %temp%.\~.dat
  for %%v in (e0'%char%' d0L1 q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~.bat
  type  %temp%.\~.bat | debug>%temp%.\~.bat
  for %%v in (rcx 9 e115'set'9'%%1'3D w115 q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~.dat
  debug %temp%.\~.bat < %temp%.\~.dat > nul
  call  %temp%.\~.bat h
  rem > %temp%.\~.bat
  rem > %temp%.\~.dat
  for %%v in (rcx 7 f100'set'9'%%1'3D w q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~.bat
  type  %temp%.\~.bat | debug %temp%.\~.bat > nul
  for %%v in (rcx %h% f0L%h%''A w0 q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~.dat
  type  %temp%.\~.dat | debug %temp%.\~.dat > nul
  find ""/v/c<%temp%.\~.dat>> %temp%.\~.bat
  call  %temp%.\~.bat d
  echo.     The ASCII value of character %char% is %h% (hex), %d% (dec).
  for %%v in (char h d) do set %%v=
  erase %temp%.\~.?at

-Top- (BL) Special table | ASCII table