Index | Syntax | Note Any number | Special keys | Batch


What the user sees when you use CHOICE in a batch file If you use the following syntax in a batch file, choice /c:ync the user sees the following when CHOICE is started: [Y,N,C]? If you add text to the syntax, choice /c:ync Yes, No, or Continue the user sees the following when CHOICE is started: Yes, No, or Continue [Y,N,C]? What the user sees if you leave out a prompt If, as in the following example, you use the /N switch to leave out the   prompt in a batch program, choice /n Yes, No, or Continue? the user sees only the text you specified when CHOICE is started: Yes, No, or Continue? What the user sees if you use the T switch If you use the following syntax in a batch program, choice /c:ync /t:n,5 the user sees the following when CHOICE is started: [Y,N,C]? If, after 5 seconds, the user hasn't pressed a key, CHOICE chooses N and returns an ERRORLEVEL value of 2. If the user presses a key before 5 seconds, CHOICE returns the value corresponding to the user's choice. To have the option of defragmenting drive C when you start your computer, you could add the following lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: choice Defrag drive /ty,5 if errorlevel 2 goto SkipDefrag defrag c: :SkipDefrag If you press N within 5 seconds, DEFRAG will not run and CHOICE returns an ERRORLEVEL value of 2. If you do not press N within 5 seconds, or if you choose Y, DEFRAG is run on drive C. Using CHOICE in a batch program The following batch program demonstrates using the CHOICE option to select one of three programs: MS-DOS Editor, Microsoft Anti-Virus, or Microsoft Backup. Notice that the IF ERRORLEVEL statements are listed in decreasing order. MS-DOS will consider the IF statement true if the ERRORLEVEL parameter returned by CHOICE is greater than or equal to the parameter specified in the IF command. @echo off cls echo. echo A Microsoft Editor echo B Microsoft Anti-Virus echo C Microsoft Backup echo. choice /c:abc Choose an option if errorlevel 3 goto MSBackup if errorlevel 2 goto Msav if errorlevel 1 goto Edit :Edit edit goto End :Msav msav goto End :Msbackup msbackup goto End :End Input any number using @echo off :Choose_i cls choice/n/c1234567890- [%i%]. Choose an integer, Press Esc or - (minus:) if errorlevel 12 if '=='%i% for %%v in (cls goto:Escaped) do %%v if not errorlevel 10 for %%i in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) do if errorlevel % %i set i=%i%%%i if not errorlevel 11 for %%v in ( if goto:Choose_i ) do %%v errorlevel 1 0 set i=%i%0 if errorlevel 12 set i= if '==%i%' goto Choose_i for %%v in (echo.[%i%]. pause) do %%v.. for %%v in (set: goto:Choose_) do %%vi= :Escaped Here's a better example, (two lines got wrapped:) @echo off echo. Input the password or press the [F1] key twice: choice /n/c:;0123456789'''''''ABCDEF > nul for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set X =%%v choice /n/c;0123456789'''''''ABCDEF %X% for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set X =%X%%%v ECHO. ECHO. (Your input) = (%X%)
Bennylevel error checking Examples: @echo off :test! (21 = ASCII()), (27 = ASCII()) set drive= choice /n/cABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Choose a drive letter: if not errorlevel 002 for %%v in ( cls goto:ESCaped! ) do %%v set drive=Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A for %%v in (%drive%) do if not errorlevel %%v set drive=%%v: echo ------------------- %drive% goto test! :ESCaped! @echo off choice /n/c'01234567899999999ABCDEF Input a hex number. Range(00;FF): cls for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set v =%%v choice /n/c'01234567899999999ABCDEF %v% for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set v =%v%%%v for %%v in (echo echo.%v% echo pause cls REM:%0) do %%v. @echo off choice /n/c'01234 Input a 2 digit number in range of 00 and 49: for %%v in (cls set) do %%v v=0 for %%v in (1 2 3 4) do if errorlevel }%%v set v=%%v choice /n/c'0123456789 %v% for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel }%%v set v=%v%%%v for %%v in (echo echo.%v% echo pause cls) do %%v. :: Returns ASCII values: :: For example, to test using an ASCII 5 char, hold [Alt] key and press [5] :: @echo off echo Input character: ASCII(Range(240;35)), press Ctrl+Z (or F6), Enter: @ copy con A.tmp >nul if not exist A.tmp for %%v in ( cls goto ) do %%v eof find: " " < A.tmp >nul if not errorlevel 1 for %%v in (set:v goto:end rem:TAB) do %%v=009 find: "þ" < A.tmp >nul if not errorlevel 1 for %%v in (set:v goto:end rem:þ ) do %%v=254 echo þ>> A.tmp %[-- avoiding freeze of --]% :: ASCII 254 char is also used to substitute "trouble-characters": :: 240;35 240 250 0 10 20 30 :: 0123456789012345012345678901234567890123456789012345 choice /s/n/cþðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿþþþþþþ þþþþþþ!"#<A.tmp if not errorlevel 2 goto msg for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel }%%v set v=24%%v for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 ) do if errorlevel ~%%v set v=25%%v for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel e%%v set v=00%%v for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel f%%v set v=01%%v for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel g%%v set v=02%%v for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 ) do if errorlevel h%%v set v=03%%v :end for %%v in (echo echo.Result:ÿ%v% echo pause erase:A.tmp ) do %%v. for %%v in (set:v cls goto:eof) do %%v= :msg echo Out of range echo or the ASCII value are one of those: 0 3 6 8 10 13 16 19 26 27 32 for %%v in (echo. pause cls %0) do %%v :eof For more examples, please follow this link. Definition of BENNYLEVEL @echo off for %%v in (cls echo echo set:n) do %%v= set v=if errorlevel greater than strings e=ask ÿErrorlevel value to comparison: "%v%/equal VALUE": ,3 if %e%'==' %0 strings t=ask ÿASCII value of a second char T: "%v% or equal XT": ,3 if not %t%'==' set n= :: :: %n%strings t=ask ÿOK! Input a second character T: "%v% or equal XT": ,1 %n%strings t=val %t% if %t%'==' %0 strings ten[x]=add 272, %e% strings ten[x]=sub %ten[x]%, %t% strings v=right %ten[x]%, 1 strings v=parse . 768 . 256 . 1024 . 512 .,%v%, if %v%'==.' goto e strings ten[x]=add %ten[x]%, %v% strings v=div %ten[x]%, 1280 if not %v%==0 strings ten[x]=sub %ten[x]%, 1280 strings ASCII[X1]=div %ten[x]%, 10 strings ASCII[X2]=add %ASCII[X1]%, 128 strings X1=char %ASCII[X1]% strings X2=char %ASCII[X2]% echo. strings n=char 32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32 echo %n% Solution: echo %n% x1: [ ASCII(%X1%) ] = [ %ASCII[X1]% ] echo %n% x2: [ ASCII(%X2%) ] = [ %ASCII[X2]% ] echo. echo %n% 10(x -48) +(t -48) = 256n +e echo %n% 10(%ASCII[X1]% -48) +%t% -48 = 256n +%e% echo %n% 10(%ASCII[X2]% -48) +%t% -48 = 256n +%e% echo. echo %n% %n% IF ERRORLEVEL %e% strings T=char %t% for %%v in (%X1% %X2%) do echo %n% %n%=IF ERRORLEVEL %%v%T% :e msg if %v%==. for %%v in (echo echo.ÿNoÿSolution) do %%v. :end for %%v in (e t v ten[x] n ASCII[X1] X1 ASCII[X2] X2) do set %%v= for %%v in (echo. echo. pause cls) do %%v Using CHOICE with special keys Example: CHOICE /n/s/c:qQ Hit the [Page Down] key or press [q] to quit: The following is the list of those special keys: 27 [Esc] 08 [Back Space] R [Insert] G [Home] I [Page Up] S [Delete] O [End] Q [Page Down] H [UP Arrow] K [Left Arrow] P [Down Arrow] M [Right Arrow] ; [F1] = [F3] ? [F5] @ [F6] A [F7] B [F8] C [F9] D [F10] 133 [F11] 134 [F12] Note: The numbers; 27, 08, 133 and 134 are ASCII values. The following batch file creates this syntax for CHOICE: @echo off echo e0100'@echo'20'off'D''A'choice'20''2F'n'2F's'2F> %temp%.\~test.bat echo f117L16'c'1B''8'RSGOIQPKMH'3B''3D''3F'@ABCD'85>> %temp%.\~test.bat for %%v in (e012D''86''D''A rcx 30 w q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~test.bat type %temp%.\~test.bat | debug %temp%.\~test.bat echo if not errorlevel 2 goto:Esc (that key press.)>> %temp%.\~test.bat ::for %%v in ( 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ) do ::if errorlevel %%v %comspec%/cECHO %%v for %%v in (echo. pause cls goto:Begin) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~test.bat echo :: Create a menu along with the missing labels>> %temp%.\~test.bat edit %temp%.\~test.bat
-Top- | Syntax | Note Any number | Special keys | Batch