Tips, Tricks & Tweaks - page 1
Last Updated: November 17, 2003.
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CyberLink PowerDVD
Tweak.VBS removes unnecessary registry information that
is created after using the DVD player "CyberLink PowerDVD"
Created and tested in WinXP by Benny Pedersen, (September 2003)
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Created by Doug Knox
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Image Cache
ThumbsXP.VBS find and removes unnecessary files named "Thumbs.db".
A Thumbs.db file is a hidden system file that is used as a cache for your
pictures such as JPG files and other image files.
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; Prevent programs from being displayed in the
; Most Frequently Used Programs List in Windows XP,
; (the big icons in the dynamic menu to the left of the Start Menu).
; When we put a DVD into the DVD Drive, it starts automatically, so why clutter the Start Menu ?
; PowerDVD. Prevent a link (shortcut).
; Notepad. We better use another Text Editor, so why clutter ...
; My knowledge source for creating this REG file was found here:
Sorting files in Windows XP. The old way (Win9X), or the new XP way.
Ex. 4 files: 10.txt, 1.txt, 2.txt and 0.txt
"do4txtXP.BAT" (in one line, 48 (+/- 1) bytes)
You can make the four TXT files by a BATch file
in an empty folder, like this:
FOR %%F IN (10 1 2 0) DO ECHO. File%%F>>%%F.TXT
NoStrCmpLogical | ||
dword:00000001 | dword:00000000 | |
Sorted by name |
0.txt 1.txt 10.txt 2.txt |
0.txt 1.txt 2.txt 10.txt |
"sortOrderXP.REG" (Run but remember to restart your computer)
; Fix problems with Word Viewer 97 + Word 2000 in Windows XP.
; Solved October 16, 2003 for Ejler N. Andersen by Benny Pedersen.
1. The Problem | 2. Exercise or Solution |
I found a new security problem in Windows XP that could (most likely, already happening) delete your data. Microsoft do not know about it, so they have NOT released a patch that fixes that vulnerability. It is not a malicious hacker that delete your important data but it is a BUG. If you do not know it, then it could easily and often be a problem. You simply may lose important data from your computer. Serious stuff, so I do not hope that Microsoft will ignore such a problem. | "doGif.BAT" creating three GIF files for testing: Press Ctrl+A within the below text box, Copy, then Paste... 1. Move the 3 created GIF files into an empty folder. To make sure that a hidden file named "Thumbs.db" is created, 3. Select the GIF file named "2"
(use a single mouse click, or 5. Press the [F2] key to open the "Rename Dialog Box" for the file 7. Select "img (11)", then select all three files. You should now be able to see the bug. I have now recorded a new video (only 290 KB). This time without any Conclusion: Benny Pedersen. |
whatFix.VBS Both the topic and the file is under construction.
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New version: (File extension .WSF, not .VBS)
function that(x)that=-(sgn(x)^2):end function
' Allow syntax such as: if not that( ...
Other subs/functions, which could be useful:
jsSort(arr) // Sort an array.
jsFind(x,strng) // Return True or False (as -1 or 0).
arrayOfFile(readFile) ' Put a file into an array.
writeArray(arr,writeFile) ' Write an array to a file.
run(f) ' Useful in a HTA file for running an exe.
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