Index | Syntax | Notes Batch


The following batch program formats a disk in drive A as a system disk. If   the operation is successful, the GOTO command directs MS-DOS to a label named "end". echo off format a: /s if not errorlevel 1 goto end echo An error occurred during formatting. :end echo Successfully formatted the disk in drive A.

Discovered August 20, 2001.


  ECHO.         This is :LABEL(1)

  ECHO.         This is label :BEGIN [+ SPACE] + Character of ASCII value 26

  ECHO.         This is :LABEL(2)

  The character of ASCII value 26 (1Ah), a.k.a. End Of File, (EOF),
  won't be found as/when one could expect it to be found.

  DOS displays something like this:

         This is label :BEGIN [+ SPACE] + Character of ASCII value 26
         This is :LABEL(1)
Label not found

  Note:  It is not possible to disable such a character as the character
         of ASCII value 26 (1A hex) with a prefix of double colons (::).

  Related link: Self deleting batch file and based on the character 1Ah.

-Top- | Syntax | Notes Batch