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Installing the EMM386.EXE device driver To use the EMM386 command, you must have an 80386 or higher processor, and you must also install the EMM386.EXE device driver by using the DEVICE command in your CONFIG.SYS file. If you try to use the EMM386 command on a computer that does not have an 80386 or higher processor, MS-DOS displays the following message: EMM386 driver not installed Reactivating EMM386 expanded-memory support If EMM386 was loaded when MS-DOS started but is not currently in use, the ON parameter reactivates expanded-memory support. Suspending EMM386 expanded-memory support If EMM386 expanded-memory support is currently active, handle 0 is the only handle allocated, and EMM386 is not providing access to the upper memory area. The OFF parameter suspends EMM386 expanded-memory support. When EMM386 expanded-memory support is off, the EMM386.EXE device-driver header is changed so that programs cannot use expanded memory. This enables you to run non-VCPI-compliant programs such as Windows 3.0 in Standard mode. Enabling and disabling Weitek coprocessor support If the W=ON parameter is specified and the OFF parameter (different from the W=OFF parameter) is not, EMM386 enables Weitek coprocessor support. The high memory area (HMA) must be available to enable Weitek coprocessor support. If you load MS-DOS into the HMA by specifying DOS=HIGH, you may not be able to enable Weitek coprocessor support. If you specify the W=ON or W=OFF parameter and no Weitek coprocessor is installed in your computer system, MS-DOS displays the following error message: Weitek Coprocessor not installed
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