Enlarges or reduces the size of a compressed drive. You might want to
enlarge a compressed drive if its host drive contains plenty of free space.
You might want to reduce the size of a compressed drive if you need more
free space on the host drive.
DRVSPACE /SIZE[=size1 | /RESERVE=size2] drive:
Specifies the drive you want to resize.
Changes the size of the specified drive. You can specify the new size of
the drive by using the size1 parameter. The size of the drive is the
number of megabytes of space that the drive's compressed volume file
uses on the uncompressed (host) drive. The /SIZE switch can be
abbreviated as /SI.
You can specify the drive's new size by using either the size1 parameter
or the /RESERVE switch, but not both. If you include neither the size1
parameter nor the /RESERVE switch, DriveSpace makes the drive as small
as possible.
Specifies how many megabytes of free space you want the uncompressed
(host) drive to contain after DriveSpace resizes the drive. The /RESERVE
switch can be abbreviated as /RES.
You can specify the drive's new size by using either the /RESERVE switch
or the size1 parameter of the /SIZE switch, but not both. If you include
neither the /RESERVE switch nor the size1 parameter, DriveSpace makes
the drive as small as possible.