Index | Examples DRVSPACE


Changes the estimated compression ratio of the selected drive. DriveSpace uses this ratio to estimate how much free space the drive contains. You might want to change the estimated compression ratio if you plan to store new files with a compression ratio that differs greatly from the current ratio. Syntax DRVSPACE /RATIO[=r.r] [drive: | /ALL] Parameter drive: Specifies the drive for which you want to change the estimated compression ratio. You can include either a drive letter or the /ALL switch, but not both. If you specify neither the drive nor the /ALL switch, DriveSpace changes the estimated compression ratio for the current drive. Switch /RATIO=r.r Changes the estimated compression ratio of the specified drive(s). To change the ratio to a specific number, specify the ratio you want. You can specify a ratio from 1.0 to 16.0. If you don't specify a ratio, DriveSpace sets the drive's estimated compression ratio to the average actual compression ratio for all the files currently on the drive. This switch can be abbreviated as /RA. /ALL Specifies that you want to change the ratio of all currently mounted compressed drives. (If you use this switch, you cannot also specify a value for the drive parameter.)
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