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Defragments the selected compressed drive. Defragmenting a compressed drive consolidates the free space on it. If you are planning to reduce the size of a compressed drive, you should first use the Defragment command to consolidate the drive's free space. You can then make the drive smaller than you could if you did not first defragment it. Syntax DRVSPACE /DEFRAGMENT [/F ] [drive:] Parameter drive1: Specifies the drive you want to defragment. This parameter is optional; if you do not specify a drive, DriveSpace defragments the current drive. Switches /DEFRAGMENT Directs DriveSpace to defragment the specified drive. This switch can be abbreviated as /DEF. /F Enables the specified drive to be defragmented more fully. For more information about using the /F switch, see Notes.
-Top- | Notes | Examples DRVSPACE