I got to much post and I'm not able to answer all your questions! I made a decision today (March 6, 2001). If a person ask me about support, then she must include her own not finished program/problem and if I finds a solution, then I'll upload it to this pages. So, I also decided to create this new section named Personal Support from the mail box. --> L. Lake. *.*.bak John R. M. Babiroussa. Use labels with some sence Marcus A. Kaptein. ARGHHH! ugly ugly windows. Alexander Beauchamp. DATE question from Atlanta Wayne Schrock. Filename extraction Eric. Wanted an impossible space Sherwood Copying from drive A to A. Aquiles Off topic. Examples from my personal e-mail box. March 6, 01 L. Lake wrote: I created this batch file that I have a short cut in my sendto folder so all I have to do is right click on a file and it created a backup file with a .bak extension ... it works very well for me (but at present anyone else who uses it cannot since it does not retain the original extension). But I would like it to have both extensions so the when I remove the .bat extension it will have its extension properites. Could you provide some assist or tell me how this can be done (where I went wrong)? if not exist c:\backup\nul md c:\backup if not exist c:\backup\data\nul md c:\backup\data :loop if %1!==! goto end copy %1 c:\myfiles\backup\*.*.bak ...[SNIP] I sent an answer to L. Lake yesterday (not included). Here goes a new answer from today which use of DEBUG: Hi L., here's a better and faster method but you must be careful because it cut probably short circuit your school teacher and about newbies, hmmm, don't show it to any newbies because they wouldn't be able to under stand this batch file so, they would simply screaming and running out of the door and then stumble but just use the below (it's better than my previours answer). @echo off if %1!==! goto END rem > %temp%\tmp_crlf.scr for %%d in (L102 W F100LFF''1A L W102 Q) do echo %%d >>%temp%\tmp_crlf.scr echo @xcopy %1 c:\backup\data\"> %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat debug %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat < %temp%\tmp_crlf.scr >nul copy %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat+nul %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat>nul dir /b %1 >> %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat debug %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat < %temp%\tmp_crlf.scr >nul copy %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat+nul %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat>nul echo ".bak>> %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat %comspec% /c %temp%\tmp_bkup.bat for %%f in (crlf.scr bkup.bat) do del %temp%\tmp_%%f :END :: If you don't like the above FOR loop, then you can :: write DEL %temp%\tmp_*.* or DEL %temp%\tmp_????.?* :: DEL %temp%\tmp_?*.??? blah blah, etc. ehhhm, BTW.: :: You can substitute the @XCOPY with COPY but if you :: do so, then you must includes the previours syntax :: about "IF NOT EXIST c:\folder\nul" blah blah, etc. :: You can also substitute the %comspec%/c with CALL. Benny, http://2dos.homepage.dk/batutil/SUPPORT.HTM#LL From: "Marcus A. Kaptein" Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 7:07 PM Subject: Creating a real-time program in MS-DOS Hi there. Thirst of all I want to give you a compliment about your homepage. It's very handy for me. Second of all I have a question. I'm a distributor of computers in Holland and I'm building lots of computers (about 20 a day) and I also install these PC's with all kinds of Windows. Therefor I created a DOS-menu where you can format, partition and install the harddrive and even test the harddrive. But it's in an ugly DOS-screen and I want it to make more beautiful, like a Windows-screen (not that that's beautiful, but you can use more then 16 colors...). Do you have a suggestion where I can find such a program to create this, or do you have a suggestion of how to create this yourself? Every suggestions is needed... Yours sincerelly, Marcus A. Kaptein Holland Hi Marcus, @echo off >%temp%.\~c.scr for %%v in (fB800:0LFA0''20''AD q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~c.scr debug <%temp%.\~c.scr>nul echo. echo. Hello World! The color code in this example is "AD". There's 16 colors, (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F). The first digit is for the background and the second is for the text, FF is white background and white text. F0 is white background and black text. 07 is black background. The below batch file is useful for searching the color code. Benny, PS. Line number 15 contents an ASCII 27 character and line number 16 contents an ASCII 04 character as: choice /n/... PKMH<ASCII 27> Use the Arrow for %%v in... Up-Arrow Esc<ASCII 4>) do if By doing so, the below batch file would be 1.024 bytes long. (If it's not this filesize, then the two lines got WRAPPED:) @echo off if exist %0.bat %0.bat find "@% % " < %0 > %temp%.\~c#.bat for %%v in (set goto:#) do %%v color=AD @ echo h%3 %4>%temp%.\~c.bat @ echo q>>%temp%.\~c.bat @ debug < %temp%.\~c.bat | find "-" /v >%temp%.\~c.bat @ for %%v in (rcx B eFB'set'9'%%1'3D e104''D''A wFB q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\ UNWRAP HERE ~c.bat @ type %temp%.\~c.bat | debug %temp%.\~c.bat >nul @ call %temp%.\~c %1 :# rem >%temp%.\~c.scr for %%v in (fB800:B0L80'@'%color% q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\~c.scr debug <%temp%.\~c.scr choice /n/s/c'PKMH Use the Arrow keys or hit Esc key to quit. % % for %%v in (Left-Arrow00000003 Right-Arrow00000004 Up-Arrow Esc) do if erro UNWRAP HERE rlevel %%v goto %%v for %%v in (call cls goto:#) do %%v %temp%.\~c# color =add %color% FFF0 :Left-Arrow for %%v in (call cls goto:#) do %%v %temp%.\~c# color =add %color% FFFF :Right-Arrow for %%v in (call cls goto:#) do %%v %temp%.\~c# color =add %color% 1 :Up-Arrow for %%v in (call cls goto:#) do %%v %temp%.\~c# color =add %color% 10 :Esc set color= del %temp%.\~c*.* Notes and modifications: Remove the "cls " in the above 4 lines. Substititute the "rem >%temp%.\~c.scr" with "mode co80>%temp%.\~c.scr" Substitute the 2 lines (starting with CHOICE and FOR) with the following 3 lines: choice /n/cGPKMHRO Use the Arrow keys or press End key to quit. % % for %%v in (2 3 4 5 6 7) do if errorlevel %%v goto %%v %0 Home New label names: :2 Down :3 Left :4 Right :5 Up :6 Insert :7 End or Esc The following is for the Insert option, (4 wrapped lines): echo fB800:3CAL14'I'1F'n'2F's'3F'e'4F'r'5F't'6F'ÿ'07't'70'w'8F'o'9F> %tem p%.\~c.scr for %%v in (fB800:516L0C'd'A0'i'B0'g'CF'i'DF't'E0's'F0 q) do echo %%v>>%t emp%.\~c.scr debug <%temp%.\~c.scr>nul for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do echo. choice /n/c'0123456789'''''''ABCDEF > nul for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set co lor=%%v choice /n/c'0123456789'''''''ABCDEF %color% for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F) do if errorlevel }%%v set co lor=%color%%%v goto:# Okay, the following batch isn't finished and should be updated and tested but it works. The above batch file at the month was created based on the below. "AD" is the same as 42m with ANSI. Notis about the below lines: A prefix of 3 spaces in the front of a line is a line which isn't wrapped. Benny, PS. the #.BAT file is here: http://users.cybercity.dk/~bse26236/batutil/GARBAGE.HTM#sub @echo off > %temp%.\~.bat rem > %temp%.\~.scr for %%v in (0 A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 50 5A 64 6E 78 82 8C 96 A0 AA B4 BE C8 D2 DC E6 F0) do echo.@set %%1=%%v0>> %temp%.\~.bat for %%v in (f100L4''9 w q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~.scr set %{ Line number, [1;25] ......... }% s=%1 set %{ Start position, [1;80] ...... }% p=%2 set %{ Length, [1;2000] ............ }% L=%3 if %s%'==' set s=2 if %p%'==' set p=9 call # p hex = dec2hex( %p% )dec if %L%'==' call # c1 hex = sub( 52 %p% )hex if %L%'==' call # c1 hex = sub( %c1% %p% )hex if %L%'==' call # c1 dec = hex2dec( %c1% )hex if %L%'==' set L=%c1% find ""/v/n < %temp%.\~.bat | find "[%s%]" > %temp%.\~.bat debug %temp%.\~.bat < %temp%.\~.scr > nul call %temp%.\~ s call # L hex = dec2hex( %L% )dec call # s hex = add( %s% %p% )hex call # s hex = add( %s% %p% )hex call # s hex = add( %s% FFFE )hex, btw. same as: sub( %s% 2 ) call # L hex = add( %L% %L% )hex set color=009D :# call # c (1...4) = 2env( %color% )string set color=%c3%%c4% rem > %temp%.\~.scr for %%v in (fB800:%s%L%L%''40''%color% q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~.scr cls debug < %temp%.\~.scr choice /s /n /c'PKMH''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Use the Arrow keys - H it Esc key to quit % % for %%v in (Left-Arrow00000003 Right-Arrow00000004 Up-Arrow Esc!) do if e rrorlevel %%v goto %%v :Down-Arrow for %%v in (call goto:) do %%v # color hex = sub( %color% 10 )hex :Left-Arrow for %%v in (call goto:) do %%v # color hex = sub( %color% 01 )hex :Right-Arrow for %%v in (call goto:) do %%v # color hex = add( %color% 01 )hex :Up-Arrow for %%v in (call goto:) do %%v # color hex = add( %color% 10 )hex :Esc! cls for %%v in (. .fB800:%s%L%L%''20''%color% .q) do echo%%v for %%v in (s p L color c1 c2 c3 c4) do set %%v= for %%v in (bat scr) do del %temp%.\~.%%v Greetings! I'm trying to create a DOS batch file that will create a directory named with today's date (For Example, '06-12-2001'). Can you help? I am completely new to DOS and would appreciate any pointers you could provide. Thanks in advance! Alex, Accenture - Atlanta This was really not a rare question. Commonplace so, to not be bored, I have to include something else into the answer. Hmmm, Okay, what about a colon which reduces a loop with SHIFT, some few EXPLORER switches along with my new & very brief loop: FOR %%v in (L2 f0L2''9 w0 q)... which removes the CRLF with DEBUG. The following batch file created a file named like 14-06-2001. To create a directory instead, use: IF NOT EXIST %1\NUL MD %1. Benny, PS. Here's your file: @echo off %[ http://users.cybercity.dk/~bse26236/ ]%> %temp%.\~d.bat if not '==%1' goto Loop if exist %0.bat %0.bat; echo;%0:>%temp%.\~c.bat :: ^ this colon (:) removes %1 (like shift). To include %1, just :: ^ substitute the colon with a semicolon (;) (or a space ( )). for %%v in (L2 f0L2''9 w0 q) do echo.%%v>> %temp%.\~d.bat debug %temp%.\~c.bat < %temp%.\~d.bat >nul echo. | date>> %temp%.\~c.bat %temp%.\~c.bat :Loop shift echo. %1 | find "2" > nul if errorlevel 1 goto Loop erase %temp%.\~?.b* rem>>%temp%.\%1.txt echo %temp%.\%1.txt if exist %windir%.\explorer.exe explorer/e,./root,,/select,%temp%.\%1.txt :: When you click the right window, the file would be selected. :: To display any contents of the file, just remove the /root,, Filename extraction Wayne Schrock wrote: First let me say, I have enjoyed your web site very much. I have a small problem I don't know how to solve. Would you please be kind enough to help? I have a batch file that is being passed a parameter that is a path and filename together. I need to extract the filename by itself to another parameter. Thanks in advance. Wayne Schrock, R&D Tool and Engineering, <http://www.rdtool.com/> Hi, I got many e-mails each day and I don't have time but I also wanted to find a solution for your question. Hmmm -- maybe something like this?: @echo off %{ Remember before first run to unwrap lines: 3, 4 and 7: }% set test=c:\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\NAME.EXT %[ 03 ]% echo exit|%comspec%/kprompt f0L50 0$_e0'\%test%'$_s0L50'\'$_q|deb ug|SORT/R>%temp%.\~.bat %[ 04 ]% echo exit|%comspec%/kprompt e100' set x='$_e10C 1A$_w$_q|debug %t emp%.\~.bat>nul call %temp%.\~.bat echo set x=%test%>%temp%.\~.bat %[ 07 ]% echo exit|%comspec%/kprompt fFAL50 1A$_LFA$_M1%x%L50 100$_wFA$_q| debug %temp%.\~.bat>nul for %%v in (call del) do %%v %temp%.\~.bat :: :: The contents of the variable Test can't be many kilometres long but :: "c:\windows\desktop\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\blah\bigName.EXT" :: shouldn't be a problem. Anyhow, in the example above are quotes so, :: you may want to get rid of a single quote (if it's a problem), just :: try to remove the prefixed double colons in front of the below FOR: ::FOR %%v in (%x%") do SET x=%%v ECHO (Test) = (%test%) ECHO (x) = (%x%) for %%v in (test x) do set %%v= Notes: The command SORT /R would sort all/any hex numbers in a reverse order so, there's no need for a command such as FIND "-"/V etc. Impossible Space Eric wrote: hey i was just looking over your site.. informative..but i still need what im looking for and was wondering if you could help.. i need to find out how to put a space in a filename in dos...... cause it doesnt allow you spaces.. I'm not able to answer the 10 questions that I got each day and a solution here is not possible, so, I will answer your question anyway: @echo off echo.exit '|%comspec%/kprompt f0Lff 9$_e0'ren> %temp%.\~.bat REM -->> C:\COMPUT.TXT echo e3' C:\COMPUT.TXT COM'ff'PUT.TXT 'd a 1a>>%temp%.\~.bat :: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for %%1 in (w0 q) do echo %%1>>%temp%.\~.bat type %temp%.\~.bat | debug.exe %temp%.\~.bat > nul for %%1 in (call erase) do %%1 %temp%.\~.bat Copying from drive A to A This is one of the BEST site I have seen for this type help! All of the others have no where near as much details or examples....Thank you for sure! That being said... I have looked hi and lo and never do I see: how does one copy a file from a floppy in drive a: to another floppy in drive a: (because one only has one floppy drive ")(Except that it can be done with diskcopy as I saw on your site LOL) How is this done using copy or xcopy or can it be done?(I hope you know ")) I KNOW it can be done because I used to do it years ago (I think anyway)when DOS was a much more widely used device...but alas I have forgotten the exact syntax :(...at least I think I used to do it...maybe I used diskcopy then also?? Anyway Thanks again and I hope you can help Sherwood ------------- :: A2A.BAT; The fastest way that I could figure out about copying a :: data file between two floppy disks. March 2002 by Benny Pedersen: :: IF drag&drop(%1)==drag&drop() Goto press Alt-F4 to close. CLS @ECHO off ECHO Wait until you see the message of the write protected source ECHO disk: "Try Again", then insert the destination disk in drive A: %COMSPEC%/cFOR %%c in (w q) do ECHO %%c|debug %1>NUL CLS :press Yesterday, I got a WinXP, so, I havn't any time to write more on this page, . / \ _/___\_ [CLOSED.] Hi Mrs. Pedersen, how r u ? My name is Aquiles, i'm a 21 years old man living in Brazil, and im interested in your work.Well first of all its amazing what u did, what u do and what u r going to do. I'll be honest with u i got a little confused with the quantity of information your site have. I love computers, but for me they r just a hobbie, and my objective now with then is to discover there soul how do the operanting system work and lots of advanced stuff, but sincirily i dont know how to do it. Actually i have 2 XT's processor 8088 to try enabling my experience, and im trying to discover how win98 win31 and winxp works to change them and make them work like i would like they to work.i have the win 1.01 version but it doenst works and i dont know why. And i love the 70's and 80's computers tecnology. If u could help me to find the computer soul i would be really glad. Sincirily yours, Aquiles Dante Costa Mônaco Filho Don't get confused with the quantity of information. Some of it isn't any good and some of it was uniq (that was what I heard). I also have some old computers but I normally just turn on my newest one, which's a little 450 MHZ with 256 MB RAM. That big enough for what I'm doing. I found the soul but it toke some time. I can't say what other should do to find it except one thing, namely to remember to never forget an important message: Man created the computer but God invented the man. That is the secret about it and once the soul is found, you'll master even the hard stuff just like Jesus did. Benny Pedersen, http://2dos.homepage.dk/ PS. I'll still construct batch in the future but including VBS Solutions. Those solutions would be compatible with WinXP which got a nice look.