What OS?
The following table is based on my own Windows CDROM's, danish versions:
Label Size Date time
DANWIN95 302.940.160 bytes (288MB) 24-08-95 9.50
DANWIN95A 276.267.008 bytes (263MB) 29-02-96 4.17
DANW95B_USB 595.132.416 bytes (567MB) 01-05-97 12.14
WINDOWS 98 568.721.408 bytes (542MB) 15-05-98 20.01
Win98 SE 585.662.464 bytes (558MB) 05-05-99 22.22
WXHCCP_DA 499.253.248 bytes (476MB) 09-10-01 12.00 (XP).
If the above CDROM information isn't enough to determine what files that
you got, then you can either install your CD or read the next paragraph.
BTW., To determine the OS with use of program code:
Press [Ctrl+B] within iExplorer at page 10, then write OS= in the dialog
box. News page 10.
Filesize of MORE.COM
Even a simple utility is likely to contain text, which may mean that its
size is dependent on nationality. The foreign for "Incorrect DOS
version" may well be different in length.
I have underlined the month in the below date specifications:
Version, Dec, Hex, Date, Time, OS-Language and Source
DOS 2.0 384 180 ? Paul Somerson
DOS 2.1 384 180 ? Paul Somerson
DOS 3.0 320 140 ? Paul Somerson
DOS 3.1 282 11A ? Paul Somerson
MS-DOS 3.20 282 11A 07-21-87 3:00p US Todd Vargo
DOS 3.2 295 127 ? Paul Somerson
DOS 3.3 313 139 ? Paul Somerson
DOS 3.3 282 11A ? Dr John Stockton, <URL>
IBM DOS 4.01 2,166 876 06-17-88 12:00 ? Charles Dye
DOS 5.0 2,319 90F ?
IBM DOS 5.0 2,607 A2F ? Laura Fairhead, <URL>
IBM DOS 5.02 2,599 A27 09-01-92 12:00 ? Charles Dye
IBM DOS 5 2,607 A2F 09-11-92 12:00 ? Charles Dye
PC DOS 6.3 2,450 992 02-31-93 01:00 ? Charles Dye
MS-DOS 6.0 2,546 9F2 03-10-93 6:00a US Todd Vargo
IBM DOS 6.1 (OEM) 2,443 98B 1993-06-29 12:00 US Charles Dye
MS-DOS 6.20 2,545 9F1 08-11-93 6:20a US Todd Vargo
MS-DOS 6.20 2,545 9F1 1993/09/30 6:20 UK Dr John Stockton
Novell DOS 7 8,387 20C3 01-26-94 07:00 ? Charles Dye
MS-DOS 6.22 2,545 9F1 05-31-94 6:22a ? Todd Vargo
MS-DOS 6.22 2.550 9F6 31/05/94 6:22 DE Rik D'haveloose
Win95A[4.00.950] 10,471 28E7 07-11-95 9:50a US Todd Vargo
Win95B[4.00.1111] 10,471 28E7 08-24-96 11:11a US Todd Vargo
Win95B[4.00.1111] 10.439 28C7 24-08-96 11.11 DK Benny Pedersen
Win NT Version 4.0 39,184 9910 10/13/96 21:38 ? Gary L. Smith
PC DOS 2000 2,442 98A 04-30-98 13:00 ? Charles Dye
The Win98 1st Ed. 10,471 28E7 1998/05/11 20:01 UK Dr John Stockton
Win98[4.10.1998] 10.439 28C7 15-05-98 20.01 DK Benny Pedersen
DR-DOS 7.03 8,388 20C4 01-07-99 07:03 ? Charles Dye
Win98SE[4.10.2222] 10,471 28E7 04-23-99 10:22p US Todd Vargo
WinME[4.90.3000] 10.439 28C7 08-08-00 18.52 DK Benny Pedersen
Notes by Dr John Stockton:
As a change from MORE, you might like to try SLOW. The only Help is in
SLOW.PAS, top & tail :
[1] Without reference to Win, SLOW hangs the system in a Win 3.1 DOS box.
With reference, SLOW is OK (OK) and the stop/start still works (How??).
PAS, EXE in <URL: http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/programs/> -see 00index.txt.
-- John Stockton, Surrey, UK.
Hmmm, Even a little batch file under construction sometimes/often causes
a new discovery - I knew that a Slash (/) could be used instead of a dot
(see the below FOR loop and the /Hello). What I didn't knew was a little
@echo off
for %%v in (.Hello!) do echo%%v
for %%v in (/Hello!) do echo%%v
-- Benny,
PS. Here's the finished batch file
that I was working on:
@echo off
if not exist "NUL" for %%v in (echo.Old-DOS goto:OOPS) do %%v
echo To:b.pedersen@get2net.dk; > %temp%.\~.emL
for %%e in (/Subject:~More.~ .X-Unsent:1/) do echo%%e>>%temp%.\~.emL
for %%e in (VER DIR:%windir%\command\more.com) do %%e>>%temp%.\~.emL
for %%e in (start del) do %%e %temp%.\~.emL /p
Notes: If the first line of text in the message were written as:
ECHO Hi,>> FILE, then the last Slash in the first FOR loop would
be necessary. In the above case, the command VER would write the
blank line, which is required for an e-mail written as the above
' ExpressMail.VBS
msgBox"Installing a shortcut named ExpressMail:",, ";-)"
dim wso, osl
set wso= createObject("wScript.shell")
set osl= wso.createShortcut(wso.specialFolders _
("Desktop") & "\ExpressMail.lnk")
osl.targetPath= "mailto:"
set wso= nothing: set osl= wso