The following [menu] block defines a startup menu with two items, Apples and
When MS-DOS starts, the menu will appear as follows:
MS-DOS Startup Menu
1. Apples
2. Oranges
Enter a choice: 1
The following [MENU] block defines a startup menu with three items and
specifies menu text for each item:
menuitem=base_config,Base configuration only
menuitem=full_config,Normal configuration
menuitem=net_config,Normal configuration with network
In this example, the first item corresponds to the [base_config]
configuration block, the second to the [full_config] block, and the third to
the [net_config] block. When MS-DOS starts, it displays the following menu:
MS-DOS Startup Menu
1. Base configuration only
2. Normal configuration
3. Normal configuration with network
Enter a choice: 1