Displays the amount of used and free memory on your computer.
You can use the MEM command to display information about allocated memory
areas, free memory areas, and programs that are currently loaded into
To display the status of your computer's used and free memory, use the
following syntax:
Lists the programs that are currently loaded into memory and shows how
much conventional and upper memory each program is using. MEM /CLASSIFY
also summarizes overall memory use and lists the largest free memory
blocks. You can use the /CLASSIFY switch with /PAGE but not with other
MEM switches. You can abbreviate /CLASSIFY as /C.
Lists the programs and internal drivers that are currently loaded into
memory. MEM /DEBUG shows each module's size, segment address, and module
type, summarizes overall memory use, and displays other information
useful for programming. You can use the /DEBUG switch with /PAGE but not
with other MEM switches. You can abbreviate /DEBUG as /D.
Lists the free areas of conventional and upper memory. MEM /FREE shows
the segment address and size of each free area of conventional memory,
and shows the largest free upper memory block in each region of upper
memory. You can use the /FREE switch with /PAGE but not with other MEM
switches. You can abbreviate /FREE as /F.
/MODULE programname
Shows how a program module is currently using memory. You must specify
the program name after the /MODULE switch. MEM /MODULE lists the areas
of memory the specified program module has allocated and shows the
address and size of each area. You can use the /MODULE switch with
/PAGE, but not with other MEM switches. You can abbreviate /MODULE as
Pauses after each screen of output. This switch can be used with any of
the other MEM switches.
Related Command
For information about checking the amount of space available on a disk, see
the <CHKDSK> command.