Enables MS-DOS to use country-specific conventions for displaying times,
dates, and currency; for determining the order by which characters are
sorted; and for determing which characters can be used in filenames. You can
use this command only in your CONFIG.SYS file.
The COUNTRY command configures MS-DOS to recognize the character set and
punctuation conventions observed when using one of the supported languages.
Specifies the country code.
Specifies the character set for the country.
Specifies the location and name of the file containing country
Related Commands
For information about changing characters and their arrangement on your
keyboard, see the <KEYB> command, or see the chapter
<"Customizing for International Use"> in the MS-DOS User's Guide.
For information about preparing and selecting character sets, see the
<MODE (set device code pages)> command.
For information about loading country-specific information, see the
<NLSFUNC> command.